Card Usage Data

Before moving, if there are no enemy units in front, create a 0 cost level 5 single‑use Temple card and add it to your deck

Official content
Card usage in Heroes
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Heroes league over the last 30 days.

On play, spawn 6 strength Knights in front of surrounding enemy units

Official content
Card usage in Diamond
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Diamond league over the last 30 days.

Official content
Card usage in Platinum
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Platinum league over the last 30 days.

Before attacking, deal 4 damage to surrounding enemy units and structures

Official content
Card usage in Gold
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Gold league over the last 30 days.

Official content
Card usage in Silver
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Silver league over the last 30 days.

Official content
Card usage in Bronze
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Bronze league over the last 30 days.

On play, spawn a 3 strength Knight on the tile behind

Official content
Card usage in Iron
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Iron league over the last 30 days.

Official content
Card usage in Starters
A card list extracted from the game data ranking the most used cards in the Starters league over the last 30 days.