Collection Stats

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On this page, you can find some data visualization for your card collection. Start by setting up your card collection. In the meantime, the visualised collection contains all cards in the game at level 1.

All charts titled with “(Stones)” rely on the cost of each card. A card cost is computed based on its current level in your collection and the amount of extra copies you have of that card before the next level.

Find below some helpful metrics about your card collection:

  • Total valueWhat is the collection value?: fusion stone 4,195 fusion stones (5.00%)
  • Average card level: 1.00
  • Upgradable cards: 0
  • Coins after exchange: coin 0 coins
  • Missing cards: 0
  • Fortress level: 13 and ~72%

To bring your entire collection to , you still need:

  • 4263 common copies out of 4350 (2.00% completed) or fusion stone 12,789 fusion stones, and coin 126,150 coins for the upgrades
  • 3440 rare copies out of 3526 (2.44% completed) or fusion stone 24,080 fusion stones, and coin 124,700 coins for the upgrades
  • 1740 epic copies out of 1800 (3.33% completed) or fusion stone 26,100 fusion stones, and coin 87,000 coins for the upgrades
  • 560 legendary copies out of 588 (4.76% completed) or fusion stone 16,800 fusion stones, and coin 40,600 coins for the upgrades

To figure out the odds of finding a specific card in a certain book, be sure to check the books calculator. To learn more about your regular resources and cards income, use the income calculator.