- AD: Aged Duskbringers
- AE: Archdruid Earyn
- AG: Acid Greenhorns
- AH: Azure Hatcher, Amberhides
- AiC: Agents in Charge
- AoE: Area of Effect
- AotW: Awakening of the Will
- AS: Avian Stalkers, Armed Schemers, Anointed Saviors
- AT: Angelic Tikas
- ATE: Attack Trigger Effect
- AV: Absorbing Varmints
- AW: Agile Warriors
- CA: Counselor Ahmi
- CB: Crazy Bombers, Chillbeards
- CC: Catnip’s Charm, Cursed Cemetery
- CD: Conflicted Drakes
- CdC: Chateau de Cardboard
- CfA: Call for Aid
- CG: Cabin Girls
- CL: Cheesy Lurers
- CM: Collector Mirz
- CoS: Curse of Strings
- CoT: Clap of Thunder
- CP: Chaotic Pupil
- CR: Copperskin Ranger
- CS: Celestial Summoners, Chilled Stonedames, Calming Spirits, Crimson Sentry
- CwC: Clerics with Cords
- EC: Enraged Cowards
- EE: Eternal Ethereals
- EF: Earthfathers
- EM: Excited Mousers
- EN: Erratic Neglects
- EoC: Embers of Chaos
- EP: Eager Pursuers
- ET: Emerald Towers
- EtF: Edrik the Fierce
- EtI: Eloth the Ignited
- GA: Greenwood Ancients
- GC: Grim Couriers
- GG: Goldgrubbers
- GotW: Gift of the Wise
- GP: Green Prototypes, Glacier Palace
- GR: Gifted Recruits
- GS: Greengale Serpents
- GT: Gathering Troupe
- GtB: Gray the Balancer
- GtL: Guardi the Lightbringer
- IB: Icicle Burst
- IC: Ironclad
- ID: Iced Droplings
- IF: Iceflakes
- KG: Kindred’s Grace
- OB: Original Blueprints, Obsidian Butchers
- OC: Overchargers
- OL: Orgone Leechers
- OoS: Obelisk of Souls
- OP: Ozone Purifiers
- OtH: Olf the Hammer
- QoH: Queen of Herds
- QoL: Quality of Life
- QotS: Quakefall of the Skies
- SA: Siege Assembly
- SB: Seasick Bouncers, Siegebreakers, Stormbound
- SC: Soap Cleanse, Soulcrushers, Swarmcallers
- SD: Spare Dragonling, Sound Drivers
- SE: Snake Eyes, Sharpfist Exiles
- SF: Shadowfen
- SG: Shady Ghoul
- SK: Sparkly Kitties, Sweetcap Kittens, Stormbound-Kitty
- SM: Summon Militia, Snowmasons
- SO: Salty Outcasts
- SoC: Stream of Consciousness
- SotS: Siren of the Seas
- SP: Stoic Protectors, Scrapped Planners
- SQ: Strict Quartermasters
- SS: Sunbeam Serpents, Sleetstompers
- STE: Survive Trigger Effect
- StR: Siro the Resurrector
- SWCC: Stormbound Weekly Card Contest
- SY: Sheepyard
- SZ: Spellbinder Zhevana
- UB: Unstable Build
- UC: Untamed Cultists
- UH: Unhealthy Hysteria
- UP: Upgrade Point
- US: Underground Spring
- UtH: Ubass the Hunter
- WC: Wisp Cloud, Wolfcloaks
- WD: Wetland Deceivers
- WF: Wrinkled Foretopmen
- WM: Windmakers
- WotW: Witches of the Wild
- WP: Winter Pact
- WR: Warfront Runners
- WS: Wild Saberpaws, Westwind Sailors
- WW: Wandering Wyrms
- YW: Yowling Weavers
- BB: Blizzard Bombs
- BD: Bounded Daemons
- BE: Boosting Elixir
- BED: Broken Earth Drakes
- BH: Base Health
- BiA: Brothers in Arms
- BM: Blood Ministers
- BO: Boomstick Officers
- BoC: Beards of Crowglyph
- BoT: Beasts of Terror
- BoW: Bucks of Wasteland
- BP: Booming Professors
- BQ: Broodmother Qordia
- BR: Bluesail Raiders
- BS: Brood Sages, Bladestorm
- BSoG: Big Sisters of Growth
- BT: Bigthrust Tigers, Broken Truce
- BwB: Blessed with Brawn
- DB: Destructobots, Doppelbocks
- DF: Dreadfauns
- DH: Dubious Hags, Dark Harvest
- DK: Dreadful Keepers
- DL: Debug Loggers
- DM: Doctor Mia
- DR: Divine Reptiles, Draconic Roamers
- DS: Demotivating Strike, Dangerous Suitors, Dawnsparks
- DTE: Death Trigger Effect
- F2P: Free-to-play
- FB: Fluffy Badboxers
- FC: Frozen Core, Faun Companions
- FE: Fragmented Essences, Frontline Engineers
- FH: Frosthexers
- FL: Flameless Lizards, Finite Loopers, Fortress Level
- FM: First Mutineer, Fleshmenders
- FoE: Fort of Ebonrock
- FP: Faithless Prophets
- FS: Final Sacrifice, Froglet Strays, Flaming Stream, Feral Shamans, Forgotten Souls, Fusion Stones
- FT: Fortification Tonic
- FtG: Flooding the Gates
- FW: Function Wilds
- HC: Hairy Chestnuts, Hero Crown(s)
- HG: Hearthguards
- HH: Headless Hotheads, Herald’s Hymn
- HL: Heroes League, High Levels
- HoS: Harvesters of Souls
- HotH: Harpies of the Hunt
- HP: Health Point(s)
- HPK: High Priestess Klaxi
- HRC: Hair-Raising Cats
- HS: Heroic Soldiers, Head Start, Hero Score
- HV: Hunter’s Vengeance
- JC: Joust Champions
- LC: Lucky Charmers
- LG: Linked Golems
- LH: Lawless Herd
- LKiE: Laurus, King in Exile
- LL: Lunatic Lunas, Limelimbs
- LM: Ludic Matriarchs
- LP: Lost Psyches
- LR: Lady Rime, Lasting Remains
- LS: Lich Summoners
- NB: Needle Blast
- ND: Northsea Dog
- NV: Noble Vigilantes
- P2P: Pay-to-play
- P2W: Pay-to-win
- PF: Petrified Fossils
- PH: Pan Heralds
- PM: Plague Monarchs
- POB: Prime Oracle Bragda
- PoD: Pillars of Doom
- PoG: Potion of Growth
- PP: Project PH03-NIX
- PPN: Project PH03-NIX
- PS: Personal Servers
- PT: Powder Tower
- RC: Retired Commanders
- RG: Restless Goats
- RL: Rimelings
- RM: Rapid Mousers
- RoF: Rain of Frogs
- RR: Reckless Rushers, Reckless Rush
- RS: Rogue Sheep
- RSL: Razor-Sharp Lynxes
- RW: Rockworkers
- TA: Timber Alchemists, Trekking Aldermen
- TB: Treasurous Bosuns, Terrifying Behemoths
- TG: Temple Guardians
- TH: The Hearth
- ToF: Temple of Focus
- ToL: Temple of Life
- ToS: Temple of Space
- ToT: Temple of Time
- TotH: Temple of the Heart
- TotM: Temple of the Mind
- TP: Trueshot Post, Twilight Prowlers
- TS: Terrific Slayers, Trusty Shepherds, Toxic Sacrifice
- TtE: Tode the Elevated
- TtV: Tegor the Vengeful
- VotG: Visions of the Grove
- VotM: Victors of the Melee
- VoW: Veterans of War
- VS: Venomfall Spire
- VtL: Va’vel the Looper
- VW: Vindictive Wretches
- XLoL: Xuri, Lord of Life