Counselor Ahmi
legendary · swarm · satyr hero · unit · Prior Jul 1st, 2021Open in wiki
Counselor Ahmisatyr hero
If played with no surrounding enemies, return the copy of this card to your hand with +1 strength

Level 11
Counselor Ahmisatyr heroIf played with no surrounding enemies, return the copy of this card to your hand with +1 strength

Level 21
Counselor Ahmisatyr heroIf played with no surrounding enemies, return the copy of this card to your hand with +1 strength

Level 31
Counselor Ahmisatyr heroIf played with no surrounding enemies, return the copy of this card to your hand with +1 strength

Level 41
Counselor Ahmisatyr heroIf played with no surrounding enemies, return the copy of this card to your hand with +1 strength

Level 51
Official changes
- Ability made to considering all units instead of enemies only.
- (currently displayed)Deactivate this changeAbility made surrounding, increasing strength of returned copy and strength decreased by 1.
- Preview this changeStrength decreased by 1 and ability made to trigger on enemies only instead of any unit.
- Preview this changeStrength decreased at level 5.
- Preview this changeReleased with the game.
Additional notes
Counselor Ahmi’s name is a reference to Stormbound’s original artist, Amin Farmazian.