
7 contributionsBack to Members

BluePhoenix is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.

  • 0 stories
  • 0 guides
  • 0 decks
  • 0 hosted tournaments
  • 7 podiums
  • 0 won card contests
  • 0 artworks
  • 0 puzzles
  • 0 podcasts
  • 0 miscellaneous events
  • 0 code contributions
  • 0 donations
  • BluePhoenix has won, alongside Dracqi, ErikBust and Ajmm, the 🥉 bronze medal in Quadrant Tournament 2.
  • BluePhoenix has won the 🥇 gold medal in Small Random Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 2mana
      Ozone Purifiers1
    • 3mana
    • 3mana
      Hair-Raising Cats1
    • 4mana
      Boosting Elixir1
    • 4mana
      Melodious Sisters1
    • 4mana
      Scrapped Planners1
    • 4mana
      Terrific Slayers1
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
      Bluesail Raiders1
    • 5mana
      Chaotic Pupil1
    • 5mana
      Debug Loggers1
    • 7mana
      Aged Duskbringers1
  • BluePhoenix has won the 🥇 gold medal in Pauper Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Green Prototypes1
    • 2mana
    • 2mana
      Spare Dragonling1
    • 2mana
      Unstable Build1
    • 3mana
      Greengale Serpents1
    • 3mana
      Sound Drivers1
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
      Agents in Charge1
    • 5mana
      Heroic Soldiers1
    • 6mana
      Twilight Prowlers1
    • 6mana
      Victors of the Melee1
    • 7mana
      Salty Outcasts1
  • BluePhoenix has won the 🥉 bronze medal in Sealed Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 2mana
    • 3mana
      Brothers in Arms1
    • 3mana
      Wetland Deceivers1
    • 4mana
      Boosting Elixir1
    • 4mana
      Cabin Girls1
    • 4mana
      Finite Loopers1
    • 4mana
      Flooding the Gates1
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
      Trueshot Post1
    • 7mana
      Joust Champions1
    • 7mana
      Veterans of War1
  • BluePhoenix has won the 🥇 gold medal in Current Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Green Prototypes5
    • 1mana
      Summon Militia5
    • 2mana
    • 2mana
      Gifted Recruits5
    • 2mana
      Lawless Herd5
    • 2mana
      Restless Goats4
    • 3mana
      Moonlit Aerie5
    • 3mana
      Potion of Growth5
    • 3mana
    • 4mana
      Pan Heralds5
    • 5mana
    • 7mana
      Herald’s Hymn5
  • BluePhoenix has won the 🥈 silver medal in Generals Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Green Prototypes1
    • 2mana
      Northsea Dog1
    • 2mana
      Spare Dragonling1
    • 3mana
      Yowling Weavers1
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
      Spellbinder Zhevana1
    • 5mana
      Broken Earth Drakes1
    • 5mana
      Moment’s Peace1
    • 5mana
    • 7mana
    • 8mana
      Crazy Bombers1
  • BluePhoenix has won the 🥇 gold medal in Diamond Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Green Prototypes5
    • 1mana
      Summon Militia5
    • 2mana
      Brood Sages5
    • 2mana
      Copperskin Ranger5
    • 2mana
      Dubious Hags5
    • 2mana
      Gifted Recruits5
    • 2mana
      Lawless Herd5
    • 2mana
      Northsea Dog5
    • 2mana
      Toxic Sacrifice5
    • 3mana
      First Mutineer5
    • 4mana
      Warfront Runners5
    • 4mana
      Witches of the Wild5