
5 contributionsBack to Members

Chickencurry is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.

  • 5 stories
  • 0 guides
  • 0 decks
  • 0 hosted tournaments
  • 0 podiums
  • 0 won card contests
  • 0 artworks
  • 0 puzzles
  • 0 podcasts
  • 0 miscellaneous events
  • 0 code contributions
  • 0 donations
  • Chickencurry has written a Second Storm story called 5. Final Straw.
    “Arkiok?” Hakrios said. No one answered. He stepped into the cave. The fire had died down, and the white logs glowed with spots of orange. Next to the…
  • Chickencurry has written a Second Storm story called 3. More Visitors.
    Ziarus took out a crystal from his pocket and held it up. It was seed-shaped, and gleamed like a star in the firelight of the cave. Kataka leaned forw…
  • Chickencurry has written a Second Storm story called 4. Less Friendly Interrogation.
    Kagaran sent a crimson wave tearing through the air with the swinging blade of his scythe. It cut straight through a bandit and the one behind, decapi…
  • Chickencurry has written a Second Storm story called 2. Friendly Interrogation.
    Arkiok felt like he was about to be blown off the face of the earth. Within his eardrums was a rainstorm and an eternally lit fuse. An infinite train…
  • Chickencurry has written a Second Storm story called 1. Night Watch.
    “Arkiok.” “What?” “Do you see anything?” The satyr snorted and picked some sand from his eye. “A better question would be, ‘Can you see?’ I’m liter…