
5 contributionsBack to Members

Giraudy is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.

  • 3 stories
  • 0 guides
  • 0 decks
  • 0 hosted tournaments
  • 0 podiums
  • 2 won card contests
  • 0 artworks
  • 0 puzzles
  • 0 podcasts
  • 0 miscellaneous events
  • 0 code contributions
  • 0 donations
  • Player ID
    Giraudy’s Stormbound player ID is 1001748205. Consider adding them to your friend list in the game so you can play together.
  • Giraudy has written a Shadowfen story called Adorable.
    Adorable. That was the word. I’m honestly surprised it took me so long to think of it. Adorable. That’s what they called me, every time I would peer o…
  • Giraudy has written a Winter story called The Avalanche.
    The glaciers. They never did seem to move for me. There were always stories, the steel cliffs were said to be as chaotic as the sea, earth shattering…
  • Giraudy has written a Shadowfen story called Sun Born.
    This..This was a new threat. Runners had scouted us a new frontline, but it didn’t take long for the menace to reach us. Scum from the swamps of the w…
  • Giraudy has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 2 week 31, theme Deck restrictions) with a card called Populous Decimator .
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    Populous Decimator
    Populous Decimator

    Give 3 strength to all units with no other units of the same unit type and deal 3 damage to all other units

    rareLevel 1

    Season 2 week 31

    Deck restrictions

    Populous Decimator Give 3 strength to all units with no other units of the same unit type and deal 3 damage to all other units

  • Giraudy has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 2 week 27, theme Faction Felines II) with a card called Brassheart Leopards.
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    Brassheart Leopardsfeline
    Brassheart Leopards

    If the only bordering friendly unit type is construct, gain 2 strength, if it is rodent gain 2 speed

    Level 1

    Season 2 week 27

    Faction Felines II

    Brassheart Leopards If the only bordering friendly unit type is construct, gain 2 strength, if it is rodent gain 2 speed