
2 contributionsBack to Members

Sewerrat is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.

  • 0 stories
  • 0 guides
  • 0 decks
  • 0 hosted tournaments
  • 1 podium
  • 1 won card contest
  • 0 artworks
  • 0 puzzles
  • 0 podcasts
  • 0 miscellaneous events
  • 0 code contributions
  • 0 donations
  • Player ID
    Sewerrat’s Stormbound player ID is 1004397312. Consider adding them to your friend list in the game so you can play together.
  • Sewerrat has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 2 week 29, theme Neutral Race Elders) with a card called ol' cap'n Sea Rat.
    + Toggle card display
    ol' cap'n Sea Ratpirate elder
    ol' cap'n Sea Rat

    After surviving damage, replace a random non‑Pirate card from your hand. If it's a Pirate card play it on a tile in its row.

    Level 1

    Season 2 week 29

    Neutral Race Elders

    ol' cap'n Sea Rat After surviving damage, replace a random non‑Pirate card from your hand. If it's a Pirate card play it on a tile in its row.

  • Sewerrat has won, alongside HanooSt, the 🥈 silver medal in Attack & Defend Tournament.