Update 11-2022

By  Kitty · Official · 11/2022Back to releases

Hello Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming early November, bringing new cards, balance changes, another beta for the new login system, and some spooky Halloween offers as well as Black Friday deals!

Balance changes

This release, just like any other, will bring some balance changes.

  • Chaotic Pupil now deals 4/5/6/7/8 damage (up from 3/4/5/6/7) and which is spread randomly among bordering enemies (changed from a single target).
  • Fortification Tonic now grants 3/4/5/6/7 strength (up from 2/3/4/5/6).
  • Aged Duskbringers’ strength is now 6/7/8/9/11 (up from 5/6/7/8/10).
  • Trekking Aldermen’s ability now deals as much as damage as received (changed from 3/3/4/4/5).
  • Va’vel the Looper’s strength is now 1/2/3/3/4 (down from 2/3/4/4/5).
  • Prime Oracle Bragda’s ability now targets up to 2/3/3/4/4 units (changed from all).
Nerf compensation

As usual, some compensation in the form of coins and fusion stones will be provided to owners of Trekking Aldermen, Prime Oracle Bragda, Va’vel the Looper, and Guardi the Lightbringer, proportional to the level and rarity of the card. Find below the compensation values for each rarity and level.

  • rare card  Rare card: coin 15 coins and fusion stone 2 fusion stones at level 2, coin 30 coins and fusion stone 3 fusion stones at level 3, coin 90 coins and fusion stone 7 fusion stones at level 4, coin 190 coins and fusion stone 10 fusion stones at level 5.
  • legendary card  Legendary card: fusion stone 1 fusion stone at level 1, coin 20 coins and fusion stone 5 fusion stones at level 2, coin 50 coins and fusion stone 10 fusion stones at level 3, coin 150 coins and fusion stone 20 fusion stones at level 4, coin 300 coins and fusion stone 50 fusion stones at level 5.

New cards

Two new cards will be introduced in November: a new Swarm structure, and another Ironclad construct.

Frontline Engineersconstruct
Frontline Engineers

On play, gain 2 strength for each surrounding friendly structure

Level 1
Frontline Engineersconstruct
Frontline Engineers

On play, gain 2 strength for each surrounding friendly structure

Level 2
Frontline Engineersconstruct
Frontline Engineers

On play, gain 3 strength for each surrounding friendly structure

Level 3
Frontline Engineersconstruct
Frontline Engineers

On play, gain 4 strength for each surrounding friendly structure

Level 4
Frontline Engineersconstruct
Frontline Engineers

On play, gain 4 strength for each surrounding friendly structure

Level 5
Cursed Cemetery
Cursed Cemetery

At the start of your turn, spawn 1 strength Undead on both sides

Level 1
Cursed Cemetery
Cursed Cemetery

At the start of your turn, spawn 2 strength Undead on both sides

Level 2
Cursed Cemetery
Cursed Cemetery

At the start of your turn, spawn 2 strength Undead on both sides

Level 3
Cursed Cemetery
Cursed Cemetery

At the start of your turn, spawn 3 strength Undead on both sides

Level 4
Cursed Cemetery
Cursed Cemetery

At the start of your turn, spawn 3 strength Undead on both sides

Level 5

As usual, there will be $9.99 exclusive packs for every new card to get 10 copies as well as coin 750 coins and fusion stone 5 fusion stones.

New Brawls

Similar to what we did in the last months — we will introduce 2 new Brawl modifiers for the 2 new cards. We think it’s a good way for you to be able to try, play with and enjoy newly added cards before you start collecting them.

Like last time, a 0-mana level 1 (unless owned and leveled) copy of the new card will be added to everyone’s deck (thus causing all decks to have 13 cards).

Moreover, as a part of the Halloween Event, we will introduce a special Brawl for this occasion: Spooky Pumpkin.

During this brawl, every dead enemy will spawn a Spooky Pumpkin structure that explodes under special conditions. The structure has 3/5/7 strength, depending on the Brawl difficulty.

The following Brawls will be spooky:

  • The Casual Brawl starting on October 27th.
  • The Warrior Brawl starting on November 3rd.
  • The Ultimate Brawl starting on November 10th.
Screenshot of the Spooky Pumpkin Brawl
Spooky Pumpkin
Spooky Pumpkin

At the start of your turn, if there are at least 3 friendly pumpkins, destroy them and deal 1 damage for each to the enemy base

Level 1
Spooky Pumpkin
Spooky Pumpkin

At the start of your turn, if there are at least 3 friendly pumpkins, destroy them and deal 1 damage for each to the enemy base

Level 2
Spooky Pumpkin
Spooky Pumpkin

At the start of your turn, if there are at least 3 friendly pumpkins, destroy them and deal 1 damage for each to the enemy base

Level 3
Spooky Pumpkin
Spooky Pumpkin

At the start of your turn, if there are at least 3 friendly pumpkins, destroy them and deal 1 damage for each to the enemy base

Level 4
Spooky Pumpkin
Spooky Pumpkin

At the start of your turn, if there are at least 3 friendly pumpkins, destroy them and deal 1 damage for each to the enemy base

Level 5

Players can get special a Halloween avatar (in the 6th milestone) in each Brawl difficulty, from silly to terrifying.

Green pumpkin with a silly face
Yellow pumpkin with a scary face
Orange pumpkin with a terrifying face

Holiday Events

Halloween (Oct 27 – Nov 6)

To celebrate Halloween, there will be 3 premium bundles and a small gift of ruby 20 rubies for anyone logging into the game between October 27th and November 6th.

13 Scary Stories Bundle ($79.99): New Avatar, 13 Books of Legends, 5000 coins, 500 rubies and 50 fusion stones

13 Scary Stories Bundle ($79.99):

  • Frankenstein’s monster avatar
  • 13 Books of Legends
  • coin 5,000 coins
  • ruby 500 rubies
  • fusion stone 50 fusion stones
The Trick or Treat Bundle ($29.99): New Avatar, 6 Mythic Tomes, 6 Heroic Tomes, and 6 Classic Tomes

Trick or Treat Bundle ($29.99):

  • Cute pumpkin avatar
  • 6 Mythic Tomes
  • 6 Heroic Tomes
  • 6 Classic Tomes
Magic Cauldron Bundle ($9.99): New Avatar, 3 Books of Magic, 3 Books of Elders, 300 coins and 30 rubies

Magic Cauldron Bundle ($9.99):

  • Witch cat avatar
  • 3 Books of Magic
  • 3 Books of Elders
  • coin 300 coins
  • ruby 30 rubies
Frankenstein’s monster avatar
Cute pumpkin avatar
Witch cat avatar

There will also be some special weekly and monthly vanishing packs available throughout the month of November, just like last year.

Finally, the Brawl starting on November 3rd (and only that one) is going to be cheaper. All fights will be 50% off. Owners of the Premium Pass will also have their usual discount applied, leading to a 60% reduction.

Here are the adjusted values for every milestone:

Required crownsCost per matchReward once reached
crown 7 crownscoin 0 coins (0)coin 10 coins
crown 20 crownscoin 5 coins (0)1 Humble Book
crown 35 crownscoin 5 coins (-5)ruby 5 rubies
crown 50 crownscoin 10 coins (-10)fusion stone 1 fusion stone
crown 70 crownscoin 15 coins (-15)ruby 15 rubies
crown 95 crownscoin 20 coins (-20)rare card 1 rare card
crown 125 crownscoin 25 coins (-25)fusion stone 7 fusion stones
crown 160 crownscoin 35 coins (-30)ruby 60 rubies
crown 200 crownscoin 40 coins (-40)rare card 5 rare cards
crown 250 crownscoin 50 coins (-50)ruby 200 rubies
Brawl calculator

To calculate how far you can go with a given amount of coins, or how much it will cost you to reach a certain milestone, be sure to use the Brawl calculator. It makes it possible to define a certain Brawl discount as well.

Black Friday (Nov 24 – Nov 28)

There will be some one-time only special offers for people willing to put some money into the game. The Black Friday exclusive packs will be available from November 24th until November 28th (8AM CET) so be sure to jump on them!

Raining Cats ($9.99): Pirate cat avatar + guaranteed 3 copies of each of the 7 rare and epic felines + 3 Classic Tomes

Raining Cats bundle ($9.99):

  • Pirate cat avatar
  • Guaranteed 3 copies of each of the 6 rare and epic felines
  • 3 Classic Tomes
Edrik’s Army ($19.99): Hipster avatar + 2 copies of Edrik the Fierce + 18 cards amongst the most played across the last 3 months globally

Edrik’s Army bundle ($19.99):

  • Hipster avatar
  • 2 copies of Edrik the Fierce
  • 18 cards amongst the most played across the last 3 months globally
Emblem of Heroism ($49.99): Afro avatar + 35 Heroic Tomes + 2,000 coins

Emblem of Heroism bundle ($49.99):

  • Afro avatar
  • 35 Heroic Tomes
The Greatest Treasure ($99.99): Cyclops avatar + 30 cards from each rarity + 1,000 rubies + 5,000 coins

The Greatest Treasure bundle ($99.99):

  • Cyclops avatar
  • 30 cards from each rarity
  • ruby 1,000 rubies
  • coin 5,000 coins
Pirate cat avatar
Hipster avatar
Black woman with afro avatar
Green punk cyclops avatar

On top of that, all books (including Noble) will yield an extra card until the end of the event. Similarly, the paid bundles yielding coins and rubies will grant between +10% and +30% more coins, and between +10% and +60% more rubies for the duration of the Black Friday event.

Moreover, all coin gains will be doubled between that time period, except for quests. The coin cap will also be doubled.

Finally, the Brawl starting on November 24th (and only that one) is going to be cheaper. All fights will be 50% off. Owners of the Premium Pass will also have their usual discount applied, leading to a 60% reduction.

Here are the adjusted values for every milestone:

Required crownsCost per matchReward once reached
crown 7 crownscoin 0 coins (0)coin 10 coins
crown 20 crownscoin 5 coins (0)1 Humble Book
crown 35 crownscoin 5 coins (-5)ruby 5 rubies
crown 50 crownscoin 10 coins (-10)fusion stone 1 fusion stone
crown 70 crownscoin 15 coins (-15)ruby 15 rubies
crown 95 crownscoin 20 coins (-20)rare card 1 rare card
crown 125 crownscoin 25 coins (-25)fusion stone 7 fusion stones
crown 160 crownscoin 35 coins (-30)ruby 60 rubies
crown 200 crownscoin 40 coins (-40)rare card 5 rare cards
crown 250 crownscoin 50 coins (-50)ruby 200 rubies
Brawl calculator

To calculate how far you can go with a given amount of coins, or how much it will cost you to reach a certain milestone, be sure to use the Brawl calculator. It makes it possible to define a certain Brawl discount as well.

New login beta

The new login system is nearly ready for release on both Android and iOS. All we need are some additional tests to ensure that everything works as expected. This gives you the opportunity to sign up and be one of the first players to try the new system and earn ruby 50 rubies!

If you are interested in participating, here is what you need to do. Send an email to new.login.beta@stormboundgames.com with the following information:

  • Your Stormbound player ID (e.g. 102390249)
  • Your Discord name + tag (e.g. Kitty#1909)
  • Your country of residency (e.g. United States of America)
  • The platform you play on (i.e. iOS or Android)
  • The email you will be using to sign in with Google or Apple

It is important the subject of the email you send matches this very format: <Discord ID> <Stormbound ID> <Platform (iOS/Android)> login. For instance, Kitty#1909 1002216742 Android login.

From there, a handful of players will be chosen and invited to a private Discord channel in November to participate in the beta. All instructions will be given in due time.

Drawing Mechanics

Players have frequently reported that there might be a problem with the drawing mechanics, that makes getting back cards that were just played too often. After thorough testing, we’ve found out that this mechanic is working as expected.

For clarity: a card can be played more than once within the same turn, albeit rather rare. When a card is played, it goes back into the deck with a “weight” of 1. Another draw will cause a reweighing of the deck, which makes the card’s weight non null. From there, a subsequent draw (through card ability or cycling) can cause the card to be drawn (and played) again, even though the odds are not in favor.

Playing a few cards (and additionally cycling a card) in a turn causes a few draws at the end of the turn, therefore, with every draw, all cards in a deck are shuffled with new weights. Collector Mirz for example, creates a card with a weight of 1.

Note that cards generated by Guardi the Lightbringer used their own custom weighted draw algorithm. It will now be tuned down with the Balance Changes update on 2nd of November.

The logic of drawing mechanics goes more or less like this:

  1. The deck is initially shuffled. This is to make sure the weights do not match the card order (lowest weight on cheaper cards, and higher weights on more expensive ones).
  2. The first card of the shuffled deck is assigned a weight of 1.
  3. Every card is then assigned a weight based on the weight of the previous card following the formula: weight × 1.6 + 100. As a result, the second card has a weight of 101.6 (1 × 1.6 + 100) and the third card of 262.56 (101.6 × 1.6 + 100) and so on and so forth.
  4. From there, 4 cards are drawn with the weighted random to compose the initial hand. That means the cards with the highest weights are most likely to be drawn, but that’s not a guarantee.
Drawing guide

The drawing guide was essentially correct all along, although it has been adjusted to better represent the mechanics, as highlighted in this section.

New VS animation

The upcoming update will also introduce a new animated “Versus” animation. It will appear in the middle of the screen and will include a “VS” text with spinning white lines.

As soon as the text with spinning lines starts to fade, the following elements will appear on the screen: players name, kingdom name and league emblem with number.

From now on, it will also be possible to click on the opponent’s details to expand information presented on a VS screen.

Screenshot of the new animation at the beginning of a fight featuring a big “VS” in the middle of the screen surrounding by white spinning lines


When is the update going to be released?

The balance changes will be released with the season reset as usual, although on November 2nd due to the holiday. The 2 cards will be introduced on November 4th for Cursed Cemetery and November 11th for Frontline Engineers.

The Halloween event will extend from October 27th to November 6th (8AM CET) and the Black Friday event will extend from November 24th to November 28th (8AM CET).

Moreover, we have changed minimum CPU levels in Ranked Mode to be higher based on players’ league.

  • Level 2 for Silver League
  • Level 3 for Gold League
  • Level 4 for Platinum League
  • Level 5 for Diamond League

We believe this change will give players a better experience from playing Ranked matches, even though it’s now a bit tougher. This release will also fix the bug with CPU having 1 level cards in friendly matches in Heroes League.

How does the Spooky Pumpkin ability work?

In that Brawl only, friendly Spooky Pumpkin spawn as enemy units die.

At the start of a turn, the first friendly Spooky Pumpkin on the board checks if there are at least 3 of them, and if there are, trigger its explosive ability.

Because all friendly Spooky Pumpkins end up being destroyed to deal damage to the enemy base, only the first one can use its ability. When it activates, all the others are destroyed.

What’s worth pointing out is that it possible to deal more than 3 damage to the base. Killing many units in one turn, and therefore spawning as many pumpkins, may result in explosive damage!