By Dewalian · May 3rd, 2021Back to season 2

If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 2 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 2 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 3 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 3 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

If played in front of an enemy unit, force that enemy unit to attack this. On death, spawn a 4 strength satyr behind an enemy unit on the tile in front.

This card was created by Dewalian for week 37 of season 2 of the Stormbound Weekly Card Contest. The theme was Cheap Cheap, and this was the winning card for that week.