By Majeure · Oct 22nd, 2023Back to season 5

After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 2 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 3 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 4 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 5 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

After S.D., teleport to a random tile bordering your base. If successful spawn a 6 strength Ancient at its original location and vitalize both

This card was created by Majeure for week 12 of season 5 of the Stormbound Weekly Card Contest. The theme was Strength in Numbers #2, and this was the winning card for that week.