Deck Insights
- 2manaOzone Purifiers1
- 2manaSpare Dragonling1
- 3manaCollector Mirz1
- 3manaDoctor Mia1
- 3manaGreengale Serpents1
- 4manaEmbers of Chaos1
- 4manaMelodious Sisters1
- 4manaWindmakers1
- 5manaVoidsurgers1
- 6manaArmed Schemers1
- 6manaBooming Professors1
- 6manaTegor the Vengeful1
This deck (level ~1.00) is made of 12 cards: 12 units, 0 structure, and 0 spell. It contains 6 different unit types.
Its average speed is 0.75 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 4.00. 5 cards can be played as the first player (2 of them moving the front line), 8 as the second player (5 of them moving the front line).
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Suboptimal Booming Professors: This deck includes Booming Professors but not Destructobots, which it synergizes with well. Consider including Destructobots in your deck.
Inefficient confusion combos: This deck includes cards needing confusion effects but doesn’t include cards which confuse enemy units. Consider including Fluffy Badboxers or Sweetcap Kittens.
Inefficient Doctor Mia: This deck includes Doctor Mia but doesn’t include any structures that have a good synergy with her. Consider including structures such as Upgrade Point, or Siege Assembly.