Deck Insights

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This deck (level ~5.00) is made of 12 cards: 4 units, 5 structures, and 3 spells. It contains 4 different unit types.

Its average speed is 0.17 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 3.25. 7 cards can be played as the first player (2 of them moving the front line), 9 as the second player (2 of them moving the front line).

Slow deck: This deck has 10 cards that don’t initially move, which makes it more likely to struggle against aggressive and rush decks. Consider swapping some static cards for some movers.

Many structures: This deck includes a lot of structures, which may impede its mobility. Consider swapping some structures for units or spells.

Inefficient Upgrade Point: This deck includes Upgrade Point but doesn’t include enough constructs to provide good synergy. Consider including more constructs or Mech Workshop.