5 contributionsBack to Members
MisterP93 is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.
- 0 stories
- 0 guides
- 1 deck
- 0 hosted tournaments
- 0 podiums
- 3 won card contests
- 0 artworks
- 1 puzzle
- 0 podcasts
- 0 miscellaneous events
- 0 code contributions
- 0 donations
- Player IDMisterP93’s Stormbound player ID is 1000689102. Consider adding them to your friend list in the game so you can play together.
- External channelMisterP93 is a content creator on YouTube .
- MisterP93 has created a puzzle called Final Destination.
- MisterP93 has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 4 week 9, theme Draft Cards) with a card called Osiris.
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6Osirisancient heroBefore moving, increase the level of 1 non‑legendary random unit in your hand until the end of the turn
6Level 10Season 4 week 9
Draft Cards
Osiris — Before moving, increase the level of 1 non‑legendary random unit in your hand until the end of the turn
- MisterP93 has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 4 week 8, theme 1-mana cards) with a card called Torrenrina.
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1TorrenrinaAt the start of your turn, confuse 1 random enemy unit
1Level 1 - MisterP93 has won the 🥇 Stormbound Weekly Card Contest (season 4 week 7, theme Swing Cards) with a card called Confined Booters.
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3Confined BooterspirateWhen attacking, reduces the strength of the enemy unit being attacked to 3 and all enemy units of the same type
2Level 11Season 4 week 7
Swing Cards
Confined Booters — When attacking, reduces the strength of the enemy unit being attacked to 3 and all enemy units of the same type
- MisterP93 has set up a Winter deck with tags High Levels called Cursed Leeches.
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- 1manaErratic Neglects5
- 1manaGreen Prototypes5
- 1manaIcicle Burst5
- 2manaFrosthexers5
- 2manaSparkly Kitties5
- 2manaWild Saberpaws5
- 3manaLost Psyches5
- 3manaOrgone Leechers5
- 4manaBlizzard Bombs5
- 4manaSpellbinder Zhevana5
- 5manaFluffy Badboxers5
- 7manaWolfcloaks5
Cursed Leeches by MisterP93In February 2022 as High Levels