VIP – Frozen Core

By  Ayanami · April 2019Back to puzzles


Make sure Frozen Core survives after your press “End Turn”.


Spoilers! Click here to reveal the solution.

Start by playing Gift of the Wise to gain mana.

Them play Boomstick Officers on C2 to kill the Victors of the Melee.

Finally, play Siren of the Seas on D3 to destroy the Siege Assembly and protect the Frozen Core.


How to play?
Puzzles are not actually playable, like a real Stormbound game would. The puzzle showcases a static snapshot of a game, and it’s up to you to figure out which moves would need to be played in order to solve the puzzle.
Is it really solvable?
This puzzle was designed by Ayanami in April 2019. If you believe the aforementioned solution does not work for any reason, please reach out to the author or Kitty on Discord.