Brawn Zhevana variant
By Pepegak · High Levels and RushEdit deck
- 1manaGreen Prototypes5
- 1manaSummon Militia5
- 2manaFrosthexers5
- 2manaGifted Recruits5
- 2manaIcicle Burst5
- 2manaLawless Herd5
- 3manaFirst Mutineer5
- 3manaWestwind Sailors5
- 4manaMystwives5
- 4manaSpellbinder Zhevana5
- 4manaTerrific Slayers5
- 5manaBlessed with Brawn5
This deck (level ~5.00) is made of 12 cards: 9 units, 0 structure, and 3 spells. It contains 8 different unit types.
Its average speed is 0.67 cell on play. Its average mana cost is 2.75. 7 cards can be played as the first player (4 of them moving the front line), 10 as the second player (6 of them moving the front line).
Suggestions Learn more in the FAQ?
Lack of AoE: It doesn’t look like this deck includes any way to deal damage to multiple units at once. Consider bringing a card or card combo which can clean several units.
Light deck: This deck has an average mana cost of 2.75, which might be a little low. Consider including one or two more expensive cards to be able to power through long games.