Update 10-2022
By Kitty · Official · 10/2022Back to releases
Hello Stormbounders! A new version of Stormbound is coming early October, bringing new cards, balance changes, Heroes League adjustments and a new daily calendar.
As some of you may know, there was an issue with the Anniversary Event ending a day too early. It was supposed to last until end of day September 25th, and ended early in that day instead.
This is unfortunate and something that should not have happened. We would like to extend our apologies to everyone impacted and intend to make up for this inconvenience with some compensation.
We have already returned the difference in coins you would have saved on Sunday’s Brawls. Additionally, everyone who bought books on Sunday received the missing free cards. Furthermore, this Sunday only (October 2nd), books containing more cards will be available in the shop, and all coins gained will be doubled throughout the day.
Once again, we apologize for the inconvenience. We’ll do everything to prevent situations like this to ever happen again.
Balance changes
We are back with our monthly balance changes:
- Wolfcloaks now cost 7 mana (up from 6).
- Draconic Roamers now spawn dragons with 2/2/3/3/4 strength (up from 1/1/2/2/3).
- Aged Duskbringers’ ability now grants 5/6/7/8/10 strength (up from 4/5/6/7/9).
- Temple Guardians’ ability now triggers when playing bordering any Temple Structure or base (instead of in front or sides of a friendly Temple Structure or base).
As usual, some compensation in the form of coins and fusion stones will be provided to owners of Wolfcloaks, proportional to the level and rarity of the card. Find below the compensation values for each rarity and level.
Rare card:
15 coins and
2 fusion stones at level 2,
30 coins and
3 fusion stones at level 3,
90 coins and
7 fusion stones at level 4,
190 coins and
10 fusion stones at level 5.
New cards
Two new cards will be introduced in October: a new Shadowfen structure, and another Ironclad rodent.

On play, pull the first enemy in front and deal 2 damage to it

On play, pull the first enemy in front and deal 3 damage to it

On play, pull the first enemy in front and deal 4 damage to it

On play, pull the first enemy in front and deal 5 damage to it

On play, pull the first enemy in front and deal 6 damage to it

At the start of your turn, drain 1 strength from the strongest enemy unit

At the start of your turn, drain 1 strength from the strongest enemy unit

At the start of your turn, drain 2 strength from the strongest enemy unit

At the start of your turn, drain 2 strength from the strongest enemy unit

At the start of your turn, drain 3 strength from the strongest enemy unit

As usual, there will be $9.99 exclusive packs for every new card to get 10 copies as well as 750 coins and
5 fusion stones.
New Brawls
Similar to what we did in the last months — we will introduce 2 new Brawl modifiers for the 2 new cards. We think it’s a good way for you to be able to try, play with and enjoy newly added cards before you start collecting them.
Like last time, a 0-mana level 1 (unless owned and leveled) copy of the new card will be added to everyone’s deck (thus causing all decks to have 13 cards).
- The Warrior Brawl starting on October 13th will be for Cheesy Lurers.
- The Warrior Brawl starting on October 20th will be for Obelisk of Souls.
Heroes League
Top 500
The Heroes League is now limited to 500 players at any given time. To get into that league, players need to reach a higher peak score than the other players, or be one of the first 500 persons to reach the league.
If a player reaches all ranks and stars in the Diamond League, there are two scenarios that can happen:
- If there are less 500 players in the Heroes League, the player automatically gets in.
- Otherwise, the player stays in the Diamond League. From that point onward, they will see information about their current and peak scores and how high they need to reach to get in the Heroes League.

Rewards in Heroes League
The Heroes League rewards (seasonal chest and special rewards based on the Hero score) are given differently than rewards in other leagues.
- Avatar: The top player in the Heroes League gets a unique avatar (just as before).
- Heroes Chest: The Heroes chest is given to all 500 members of the league, no matter which position they end the season at. However, players who were kicked out of the Heroes League cannot claim the Heroes chest; they get the Diamond chest.
- Books & Fusion Stones: The rewards in each Top List are given to all Heroes League members who end the season in this top list or higher. For instance, a player ending the season #96 collects additional rewards from the Top 100 and also from the Top 250.
The top 250 players at the end of the season will receive additional fusion stones (remember these are cumulative):
- Top 250: 20 Fusion Stones
- Top 100: Top 250 + 30 Fusion Stones
- Top 10: Top 100 + 50 Fusion Stones
- Top 1: Top 10 + 100 Fusion Stones
The top 250 players at the end of the season will also receive additional books, just like it happens right now. What changes is that the type of book will be randomized. For instance, the top player will get either a Mythic Tome, a Book of Archdragons or a Book of Legends, at random. Then in the next season, it will be one of the other 3, and so on and so forth. For the other Top 250 players, all specialized books are available (similarly random and rotating).
Daily Calendar
The daily calendar which has been around for well over a year now will be revamped to add new mechanics.
Instead of one reward per day, the new calendar will have 15 gifts in total (regardless of which month).

Collecting a reward unlocks the next one, but there is a 24-hour cooldown period between collects. That means you don’t have to collect a certain reward on a specific day per se — you will be able to collect it whenever, provided you are not within your 24 hours cooldown period.
Premium Pass holders will still get an additional reward with every gift (collected at once like before). Buying a Premium Pass throughout the month will automatically grant the additional reward for all previously collected gifts, so nothing is lost.
Additionally, and perhaps more importantly, the Premium Pass is now a 30-days buy that’s not tied to the current calendar month. This means if one buys the Premium Pass on the 12th at 1pm, they will be a holder for exactly 30 days (ending at 1pm).
- When is the update going to be released?
The balance changes will be released with the season reset as usual. The 2 cards will be introduced on October 13th for Cheesy Lurers and October 20th for Obelisk of Souls. The Heroes League update will be effective as of October 1st.