
6 contributionsBack to Members

HylandMoon is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.

  • 6 stories
  • 0 guides
  • 0 decks
  • 0 hosted tournaments
  • 0 podiums
  • 0 won card contests
  • 0 artworks
  • 0 puzzles
  • 0 podcasts
  • 0 miscellaneous events
  • 0 code contributions
  • 0 donations
  • HylandMoon has written a Neutral story called The Balancer.
    He is as old as the world itself. He and his counterpart are known as the Halves of Creation because they both come from one Greater Being that once c…
  • HylandMoon has written a Swarm story called Scrolls of the Focused.
    The history of the newly found temple can only be found in scraps littered in the sand. Through some scrolls, only a piece of its history was discover…
  • HylandMoon has written a Shadowfen story called Lost Faith.
    “They have no authority They roam free They join the majority They could always foresee They have lost faith They will betray They welcome change The…
  • HylandMoon has written a Neutral story called The Collector.
    “When He was born, He lived His childhood in a circus which was a sort of family business. The circus that His family owned was always on the move, so…
  • HylandMoon has written a Winter story called Ancestral Title.
    Ever since Olf was a little boy, he had a passion for combat. War was embedded into his family’s history starting with his great grandfather who start…
  • HylandMoon has written a Shadowfen story called Shadowfen: Unification.
    It was long ago, in the swamps lived many tribes of ravens and toads. All the tribes were separated from each other without order. This was a chaotic…