
24 contributionsBack to Members

Helios is a member of the Stormbound community. Their contributions can be found below.

  • 0 stories
  • 0 guides
  • 5 decks
  • 4 hosted tournaments
  • 15 podiums
  • 0 won card contests
  • 0 artworks
  • 0 puzzles
  • 0 podcasts
  • 0 miscellaneous events
  • 0 code contributions
  • 0 donations
  • Player ID
    Helios’s Stormbound player ID is 1003567845. Consider adding them to your friend list in the game so you can play together.
  • Helios has organized, alongside Equinox and Derk, Resurgence Tournament.
    In this tournament, you only choose half of your deck! Players battle it out by combining each others' halves, creating brand new strategic possibilities.
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Implosion Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Erratic Neglects1
    • 1mana
      Summon Militia1
    • 2mana
      Restless Goats1
    • 3mana
      Hunter’s Vengeance1
    • 3mana
      Strict Quartermasters1
    • 3mana
      Temple of the Heart1
    • 3mana
      Wetland Deceivers1
    • 4mana
      Broken Truce1
    • 4mana
      Final Sacrifice1
    • 4mana
      Reckless Rushers1
    • 4mana
      Rogue Sheep1
    • 4mana
      Snake Eyes1
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Mint tournament .
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Erratic Neglects1
    • 2mana
      Dubious Hags1
    • 2mana
      Wild Saberpaws1
    • 3mana
      Va’vel the Looper1
    • 3mana
      Westwind Sailors1
    • 4mana
      Guardi the Lightbringer1
    • 4mana
      Malicious Finch1
    • 4mana
      Tode the Elevated1
    • 5mana
    • 6mana
      Blood Ministers1
    • 6mana
      Hairy Chestnuts1
    • 6mana
  • Helios has won the 🥈 silver medal in Outcasts Tournament.
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Snowball Tournament 2.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 2mana
      Sparkly Kitties3
    • 3mana
      Frozen Core3
    • 3mana
      Hunter’s Vengeance3
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
      Chilled Stonedames3
    • 6mana
    • 6mana
      Twilight Prowlers3
    • 6mana
      Visions of the Grove3
    • 8mana
      Crazy Bombers3
    • 9mana
      Gift of the Wise3
    • 9mana
      Olf the Hammer3
  • Helios has won the 🥈 silver medal in Gifted Level 3 Tournament.
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Ancient Tournament.
  • Helios has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags High Levels called Shadowguards.
    + Toggle deck display
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Draftbound.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Green Prototypes1
    • 2mana
    • 3mana
      Collector Mirz1
    • 3mana
      Personal Servers1
    • 3mana
      Unhealthy Hysteria1
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
      Razor-Sharp Lynxes1
    • 5mana
      Fluffy Badboxers1
    • 5mana
      Harvesters of Souls1
    • 6mana
      Needle Blast1
    • 7mana
    • 8mana
      Crazy Bombers1
  • Helios has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags Regular called Goldenheart.
    + Toggle deck display
  • Helios has won, alongside Grimm, the 🥇 gold medal in Attack & Defend Tournament.
  • Helios has won the 🥉 bronze medal in Tornado Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 2mana
      Spare Dragonling1
    • 3mana
      Collector Mirz1
    • 3mana
      Fort of Ebonrock1
    • 3mana
      Yowling Weavers1
    • 4mana
      Rogue Sheep1
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
    • 6mana
    • 6mana
      Tegor the Vengeful1
    • 7mana
      Archdruid Earyn1
    • 8mana
      Crazy Bombers1
    • 9mana
      Gift of the Wise1
  • Helios has won, alongside Emkaem, the 🥇 gold medal in Reckless Draft 2.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 2mana
      Copperskin Ranger1
    • 3mana
      Crimson Sentry1
    • 3mana
      Faithless Prophets1
    • 3mana
    • 3mana
      Trekking Aldermen1
    • 3mana
      Wandering Wyrms1
    • 4mana
      Lich Summoners1
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
    • 5mana
      Harvesters of Souls1
    • 5mana
    • 6mana
      Broodmother Qordia1
  • Helios has organized Faction Wars – Season 2.
    Each season, represent your favorite faction and fight against other factions to score as many points as possible.
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Snowball Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 2mana
      Spare Dragonling1
    • 3mana
    • 3mana
      Frozen Core1
    • 4mana
      Beasts of Terror1
    • 4mana
      Melodious Sisters1
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
      Fluffy Badboxers1
    • 6mana
      Tegor the Vengeful1
    • 6mana
      Twilight Prowlers1
    • 7mana
      Archdruid Earyn1
    • 9mana
      Gift of the Wise1
    • 9mana
      Siren of the Seas1
  • Helios has organized Faction Wars – Season 1.
    Each season, represent your favorite faction and fight against other factions to score as many points as possible.
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Battle Week.
  • Helios has organized Renaissance Tournament.
    The Renaissance Tournament aimed to bring back veteran players and navigating a set of challenging deck restrictions.
  • Helios has set up a Shadowfen deck with tags Starter called ToadTakeOver.
    + Toggle deck display
  • Helios has won the 🥈 silver medal in Anniversary Tournament.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Summon Militia1
    • 2mana
      Spare Dragonling1
    • 3mana
      Collector Mirz1
    • 3mana
      Greengale Serpents1
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
      Melodious Sisters1
    • 4mana
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
      Laurus, King in Exile1
    • 6mana
      Booming Professors1
    • 7mana
      Aged Duskbringers1
    • 9mana
      Siren of the Seas1
  • Helios has set up a Swarm deck with tags Regular called Unexpected.
    + Toggle deck display
  • Helios has won the 🥇 gold medal in Infinity Tournament.
  • Helios has set up an Ironclad deck with tags Equals called Quadrant Dragonclad.
    + Toggle deck display
  • Helios has won, alongside Todam, Primal and Rodeybodey, the 🥇 gold medal in Quadrant Tournament 2.
    + Toggle deck display
    • 1mana
      Green Prototypes1
    • 2mana
    • 3mana
      Collector Mirz1
    • 3mana
    • 3mana
      Potion of Growth1
    • 3mana
      The Hearth1
    • 3mana
      Yowling Weavers1
    • 4mana
    • 5mana
    • 6mana
      Tegor the Vengeful1
    • 7mana
    • 9mana
      Gift of the Wise1